Commentary The Trade Debate: Election Outcomes Affected, Public Views Increasingly Negative, Imminent Lame-Duck Fight Over TPP Is First Salvo in Election 2018 November 7, 2016
Commentary AARP, Doctors Without Borders and Other Groups Warn the White House to Not Make Onerous TPP Provisions that Contribute to Skyrocketing Medicines Prices Even Worse October 26, 2016
Fact Sheets & Backgrounders Quote Sheet: Selected Government Statements and Actions Against Investor-State Dispute Settlement October 19, 2016
External Voices 12 U.S. Senators Outline TPP’s Fundamental Flaws, Tell President Obama it Shouldn’t Be Considered Until Renegotiated September 29, 2016
Fact Sheets & Backgrounders Don’t Believe the Hype: U.S. Agricultural Exports Lag under Past Trade Deals, Belying Empty Promises Now Being Recycled for the TPP September 13, 2016
Press Releases New Interactive Map Shows TPP Would Expand Multinational Corporations’ Power to Attack U.S. Laws Using System That Hundreds of Law Professors, VP Candidate Kaine Cite as Reason to Oppose Pact September 8, 2016
Letters, Testimony & Filings 220+ Law and Economics Professors Urge Congress to Reject the TPP and Other Prospective Deals that Include Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) September 7, 2016
Letters, Testimony & Filings Press Call: TPP Fight Escalates as Sen. Warren and Hundreds of Academics Oppose Tribunal System at Heart of Pact September 7, 2016