Public Citizen’s Trade Data Center
Explore data resources that illustrate the impact of trade policy on jobs, the environment, and your community.
Certified Trade-Related Job LossesSearch for confirmed job losses due to imports and outsourcing here, compiled by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Trade Adjustment Assistance program. |
State-by-State Outcomes of NAFTASearch for more diverse measures of trade-related job loss here, with fact sheets detailing how your state’s manufacturing workers have fared during the era of corporate-rigged trade. |
Manufacturing Job LossesSearch for more diverse measures of trade-related job loss here, with fact sheets detailing how your state’s manufacturing workers have fared during the era of corporate-rigged trade. |
Table of Foreign Investor-State Cases and Claims Under NAFTA and Other U.S. “Trade Deals”By elevating individual corporations to the same status as sovereign governments, ISDS drastically consolidates and formalizes corporate power. And by effectively providing free “risk insurance,” these corporate protections make it less risky and cheaper to outsource jobs. |
Congressional Voting RecordAssess your Representative’s or Senator’s commitment to fair trade and the public interest.
Buy American Procurement MapHow much of your taxes contribute to federal procurement? Check out this map to find out. |
Chinese Investment in the United StatesChinese financial interests have acquired more than $120 billion of assets in the U.S. economy since 2002. Use this database to learn more about Chinese investment in your state. |
State by State TPP ISDS Liability MapSee how your state could be threatened by the thousands of multinational corporations that would be given new rights to sue the U.S. government over laws or regulations they say affect their profits if the TPP is allowed to pass. |
WTO Trade in Services DatabaseSearch for information about how the WTO’s General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) impacts public policy topics such as health care, water rights, and government procurement. |