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Pro-DeSantis A.I. Ad Shows Need to Ban Deceptive Deepfakes

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A pro-Ron DeSantis super PAC today released a new television ad featuring an A.I. generated version of former President Donald Trump’s voice. Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen, released the following statement:

“The pro-DeSantis super PAC Never Back Down should immediately pull down its ad that aims to deceive voters with an A.I.-generated, imitation voice of Donald Trump.

“This ad is racing us down a slippery slope where voters will be unable to distinguish authentic media from fake, A.I.-generated content. That’s a world in which no one wins. All candidates from all parties will be equally vulnerable to deepfakes and political actors of all political stripes will use them. The American people and our democracy will be the biggest victims of this A.I.-assisted attack on authenticity and truth.

“This ad is yet more evidence that we need the Federal Election Commission to use its existing authority to ban deceptive deepfakes by federal candidates and parties, and we need Congress and state legislatures to ban completely deceptive deepfakes in election communications.”