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Elon’s Obscene Spending Shows Campaign Finance Reform Is Critical

Washington, DC — Federal records have revealed that billionaire Elon Musk spent a quarter of a billion dollars to help win Trump the presidency, with most of this money coming into play in the final weeks of the campaign.

In response, Lisa Gilbert, co-president of Public Citizen, issued the following statement:

“The clear story from the final federal campaign filings of 2024 is of the damage concentrated money in politics does to our elections. We learned that Elon Musk spent an obscene $250 million to put Donald Trump in office. This includes being the sole backer of a Super PAC that vandalized Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s image to try and change Trump’s public abortion position. Rich billionaires and corporate money simply ran the table in the 2024 election. They singlehandedly made the case for the aggressive campaign finance reforms we need to fix our system and get big money out of politics.”