Letter to the Editor of the Casper Star-Tribune Regarding Sheridan Memorial Hospital and the Wyoming Department of Health
Regarding the March 14 CS-T article, “Report shows Sheridan hospital failed to sterilize equipment last year,” by Joan Barron. Claims by Sheridan Memorial Hospital and the Wyoming Department of Health that there have been no infections or complications reported in relation to the hospital’s failure to adequately sterilize the laryngeal airway masks (LMAs) between surgical patient uses is ludicrous for two reasons.
The full letter can be viewed at http://trib.com/opinion/letters/hospital-s-response-inadequate/article_afb1752a-0d40-58e7-86bc-657a0c95e34f.html?mode=story
Original story, published March 14, 2012: Report shows Sheridan hospital failed to sterilize equipment last year
Letter to Wyoming Department of Health Regarding Sheridan Memorial Hospital
May 7, 2012 response from the Wyoming Department of Health