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About Public Citizen Litigation Group

Public Citizen Litigation Group, founded in 1972, is the litigating arm of Public Citizen. A public interest law firm litigating cases at all levels of the federal and state judiciaries, we specialize in issues involving consumer health and safety, consumer financial protection, access-to-courts issues such as forced arbitration and class-action standards, government transparency, and the First Amendment. We have a substantial Supreme Court practice, having argued 65 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and filed briefs in hundreds of other cases. In addition, since 1990, we have assisted numerous attorneys with cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, particularly at the petition-stage, through our Supreme Court Assistance Project.

Contact Us

Important Note: Due to the high number of phone calls we receive, the Litigation Group does not answer legal questions or consider new cases over the phone.

Job Postings

Public Interest LitigatorOPEN

Supreme Court Assistance Project Fellowship – filled for 2025-2026

Summer Law Student Internships – filled for summer 2025