Delivered to the White House
On Wednesday, we delivered our petition to the White House urging President Barack Obama to nominate Elizabeth Warren to lead the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Thank you to everyone who signed our Elizabeth Warren petition!
If anyone understands the urgency of appointing Elizabeth Warren to lead the new consumer bureau, it’s Craig Mehall – a Public Citizen lobbyist who fought on the front lines of Wall Street reform, going toe-to-toe with big bank lobbyists.
All of us at Public Citizen are grateful for and inspired by our activists.
Now we wait for President Obama’s response.
While millions of families are still struggling in this Great Recession, big banks are busy inventing new, deceptive ways to lift money from consumers’ wallets. It’s critical that the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau get to work as soon as possible, with Elizabeth Warren in charge.
We’ll let you know what happens, and how to continue working for a fair, sustainable economy.