"What are you benching, buff guy?"
This is too good to pass up: Talking Points Memo’s Muckraker reports that the April issue of Vanity Fair (due on stands next week) includes a nine-page spread on former lobbyist and admitted felon Jack Abramoff, the man at the epicenter of the scandals now rocking Washington. The magazine scored a rare interview with Abramoff, who is reported to have discussed his ties to GOP all-stars President Bush, Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman, and other heavy lifters who have denied having a personal relationship with Abramoff.
TPM and Raw Story reports that during the interview Abramoff recalls Bush once joking with him, "What are you benching, buff guy?"
Of course, Abramoff’s account doesn’t even come close to indicating Bush’s relationship with the former lobbyist. The President probably addresses muscle tone with everyone he meets. And really, who doesn’t?
Although President Bush has denied knowing Abramoff, the White House refuses to release photos of the two men together, as well as a list of meetings between Abramoff and administration aides. A Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 76 percent of Americans say Bush should disclose these meetings; only 18 percent disagreed.
Help us put an end to this nonsense. You can take action and demand that Bush release photos taken of himself with Abramoff.
-Jess Kutch